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Meet Katherine

Katherine Rausch earned her BFA in Advertising Design at Kendall School in 1982. She worked as an advertiser in Germany for two years, before returning to school in 2009 at Converse College. There, she completed 33 hours of collective studies in Studio Art, Art Therapy, Art Education, and Theatre. Since then, she’s spent her time working in the Theatre as a stage manager, prop master, and scenic painter. Katherine is currently teaching middle school art and private lessons while also painting commissioned pet portraits. She has painted over 400 portraits of dogs and cats!

From Katherine: I find my happiness in watching others find theirs. Teaching painting classes has opened up my heart. The “Paint Your Pet” nights are the absolute best. One student explained it like this: “it’s like being able to pet my dog one last time with each brush stroke”. I learn so much about myself with each class I teach. It’s always wonderful watching other people learn something about themselves as they watch their pet emerge on their canvas.

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